Good morning, y’all. Or should I say good early afternoon? This post is finding you late, although I’m not surprised.
Yesterday was a doozy of a day. I thought I’d be a rockstar and schedule a hair appointment, blog photos, get AC to play practice, and attend the GSG Christmas party.
I’m one person, and I’m not superwoman. I made it to my hair appointment (hello, I had Oreo hair, it was a priority!) and I made it to the GSG Christmas Party. #priorities
But I made dip! So that counts, right?
Blog shoot rescheduled, B man to the rescue with play practice. It takes a village, y’all! For me it does anyway.
AC had oral surgery this morning to extract her last two baby teeth so we felt it necessary to nap after. I can add that to my list of excuses, right?
I’ve been doing well sticking to my editorial calendar until this week hit me like a ton of bricks. Truth be told, my gifts guides and Black Friday posts took me way longer than I anticipated and it’s just really thrown me off track. I’m hoping to catch back up over the weekend and really get ahead, as I know Christmas is right around the corner and I’ll be going 90 to nothing non-stop. How do y’all stay on top of things during busy seasons of life? Any tips are appreciated!
Moving on to this (under $30.00) cardigan. It’s a great Madewell dupe! Of course, it’s not the amazing quality that Madewell is known for, but $30.00 vs $100.00 speaks in and of itself. It fits TTS, ships Prime, and is available in sizes small- extra large. I love it paired with all black and it hits perfectly as it should with this dress (in black) that I last styled here in pink. I would also pair it with the blue version in early Spring!