Good morning, y’all! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine consisted of work, cleaning my house, and spending time with my family. It felt so good not to have any plans or anywhere to be, and to just be able to recharge and be lazy with my sweet girl (and by that I mean we made it to level 80 on Jelly Splash lol).
Here lately, I’ve found myself flocking to the more casual, comfy side of my closet. Maybe all of the rain and dreary weather has me in a rut, I dunno, but I just haven’t felt much like getting dressed.
What I have felt like? Shoe shopping. Le duh.
I got bored last Tuesday morning, so after grabbing my morning coffee (btw, it’s time for me to invest in a Keureg, I did some math and I spend about $1600.00 a year on coffee. That. Is. Ridiculous.), I pranced on over to the Belk shoe department, where my friend Holly works and helps me spend unnecessary amounts on footwear. She’s the best.
I bought these, these, and these (above).
In my above mentioned slump of wanting to lay around in my under-roos all day, I knew I had a lunch date with a bestie, and that leaving the house sans clothing would result in a mug shot and a court date, so I had to get it together.
Over sized cardigan and slouchy top with skinny jeans it was. While checking out my lazy look in the mirror, I realized I looked slouchy and was border lining on homeless, I put my new, bright coral “I have no idea what to wear these with so that I don’t look like a hooker” heels on, and immediately perked up! What better way to dress down a loud shoe than to use it to dress up an otherwise boring outfit?!?!
I felt like a genius.
Just kidding.
Not really.