If you follow me on Instagram, then I’m sure you saw my stories of the experience I had at the beach this summer. A lot of you messaged me with your condolences, and I really appreciated them! However, I responded back saying that it had became a very positive experience to me! Hear me out, if you will.

Sure, it got me down. Wayyyy down. So much so, that I didn’t take off my coverup the rest of the trip. But, I know that I felt about myself on the inside the way that lady verbalized how she saw me on the outside. To go from 105 pounds to 142 pounds (for reference, I was 147 when I gave birth) was depressing to me, but I was too lazy to do anything about it I suppose. When vacation was over, that all changed.

After several of my girlfriends had miraculous success with the Keto diet, I decided to give it a whirl. I Googled until my fingers hurt, asked them multiple questions a day (sorry girls!), and then spent $400.00 at the grocery store. For a solid week, my family hated me (no mac-n-cheese or dinner rolls for anyone!). Their mashed potatoes and pasta/rice were made of cauliflower and their sweet lives had turned into absolute tasteless hell. It only took B two days to start swinging through a drive-thru for burgers and fries in a solid attempt to keep AC alive, because she simply wasn’t having it and nor was he. Rightfully so, I suppose. That shit was nasty, I’ll not lie.
Into my second week of strict Keto, while I noticed my clothes fitting looser, I also noticed that I just didn’t feel right. I felt weak, shaky, and just kind of “out of it”. I got up one morning and saw stars and my legs buckled. I’d passed out. Thinking I just hadn’t consumed enough calories, I struggled through making my morning scrambled eggs and nearly choking them down because I felt too sick to eat. The week went on, and while I didn’t pass out again, I still just felt out of my element. I had zero energy, and honestly, just wanted to sleep all the time. After mentioning these things to my girlfriend, she said it was called the “Keto Flu” and it’ll pass in a week or so, and then I’d feel better than ever. The way I felt honestly felt just like the flu, so I figured she was right and so I powered through.
The next week came and went and I still didn’t feel any better. At that point, I was terrified that I’d given myself some sort of eating disorder because it got steadily harder for me to eat and all I had to show for it was a measly 9 pounds. It would take me nearly an hour, sometimes longer, to get through half a meal before throwing the rest away because the thought of food made me nauseous and consuming it actually made me sick.
That next Thursday, out of nowhere, I pulled into the parking lot at work and started to sweat and shake profusely and then passed out. I got myself together and walked into work pale as a ghost with sweat pouring down my face and shivering uncontrollably. Naturally, I scared the hell out of everyone and was sent home. I knew that something had to be terribly wrong, so I headed straight to the doctor instead of home.
In a nutshell, I was on the fast track to killing myself. That’s what I heard anyway. Ha! My blood sugar had dropped to 40, but I had no idea what that meant. Honestly, it was hard for me to pay much attention to what the doctor was explaining to me. I was given a small bottle of some nasty version of Kool-Aid to drink in-office, a pamphlet on low blood sugar, and sent home with instruction to follow up with my PCP.
It goes without saying that a serious change in my diet needed to happen. While the Keto plan is a great fit for most, it simply wasn’t for me. I’ve since switched to “Cheato-Keto”, and I’m feeling much better. I’ll post more in-depth on that later if that’s something that y’all are interested in reading? For now, lets fast forward a tad…

310 Nutrition
I wasn’t quite ready to give up Keto entirely, so when 310 Nutrition reached out to me and asked if I’d like to try their products, I said yes without hesitation. What did I have to lose? If I didn’t like the product, I just simply wouldn’t talk about it. For those that aren’t familiar with 310 Nutrition, they’re a health & wellness company that focuses on creating plant-based product that is free of gluten & dairy and are non-GMO. Their products are Keto & Paleo friendly, which is perfect for the majority of us that are following one of those plans!
I was gifted a starter kit of lemonades and shakes, so let’s dive right in to those.
If you’ve tried water additives such as Crystal Light, Mio, etc.. then you’ll love the 310 Nutrition Lemonades. For someone like me that loathes water, this has been a game changer! I’d already switched to Milo’s yellow top, but still needed to consume water, which I never did. As I said, I hate drinking water. I need some flavor y’all! I tried the Cherry Limeade and Blackberry Lemonade and I’m proud to announce that I’m water converted! Ha! No, but really, I don’t do water, and at my age, I should be consuming it every chance I get. I loved both flavors sent, but ended up ordering the full size of the Blackberry Lemonade because it was that good. What sold me is that it doesn’t give me that hazy artificial sugar hangover that other water additives have always given me.
Meal Replacement Shakes
Moving along to the shakes, let me start by saying that I don’t use these as a meal replacement, but as a snack, so to speak, in between meals. With my experience mentioned above, I’m far too scared to restrict to that level ever again.
I was sent the Chocolate, Mint Chocolate, Vanilla, and Coconut. I didn’t like the coconut, but I don’t like coconut anything, so don’t opt out on that flavor, because the other three were delicious! Literally, they tasted the same as their ice cream counterparts! My favorite was the Mint Chocolate. No shocker though, that’s my favorite ice cream flavor next to Pistachio.
I do recommend pouring the water first, as it was hard for me to blend the first time when I poured the powder first. Since switching to water before shake mix, I haven’t had any problems with it blending well.
Aside of lemonades and shakes, 310 Nutrition offers a range of products from apple cider vinegar pills to detox tea’s and gym kits, and everything in-between.
If y’all would like to try any of the 310 Nutrition products, they’ve been so kind as to offer my readers a free shipping code! Just use 310JMOSES at checkout! I recommend starting off with the Try It All Kit so that you can try an array of their products so you’ll know what you want to commit to!