Good morning everyone! How has everyone’s week been so far? For me, it’s been a long one! But, today is my sweet AC’s 11th birthday! I cannot believe she’s 11, where has the time gone?!? We celebrated last night with pizza and cake because she’ll be with her dads family tonight. I woke her up this morning with a fancy sprinkle donut and a candle, she was excited! I mean, if I were a kid, waking up to donuts for breakfast would be the best!
According to my analytics and email subscriptions, I have almost 50 new subscribers here. Welcome y’all! And thank you so much for following along! With that said, I thought I’d do a little 10 Things About Me to help y’all get to know me better! So here we go, the good, the bad, and the ugly…
- My mouth is worse than that of a sailor. Not proud of this at all, but not ashamed either. I drop the F bomb more than a drunken fraternity brother.
- I never leave home without my tweezers. Yep, it’s not my phone I’m most attached to, it my tweezers. I keep them in my purse, my desk, my car, and my bathroom. Since having AC, I grow pesky random hairs all over the place. I’d probably have a beard if I didn’t keep it under control.
- I’m the exact opposite of Type A. I’f I need to get something done, it literally gets done with not a minute to spare. I’m terrible at procrastinating, however, I hate spontaneity. Weird, huh?
- I spend a lot of money, however, I’m quite the saver, too. As much money as I spend, I cringe spending it. That may not make a lot of sense, but I really am more of a saver. If any of my accounts drop below a certain amount, I lose sleep over it and pinch literal pennies until they’re back where I like them to be.
- I need 10 hours of sleep to function. When I was in college, I could run off 4 hours with a hangover. Once I hit 30, not so much. I’ve found lately that I still kind of feel like shit when I only get 8. I’m a fully functioning member of society on 10. I’m also a night owl, so getting 10 full hours is next to impossible.
- I’ve worked in the food industry for almost 20 years. My first job was at age 15 at CiCi’s Pizza. I worked at a couple of other restaurants until I was 19 and took a job at a local BBQ restaurant. I was there for 12 years, and sadly, they got bought out and then closed. From there, I took a part time job in administration work and another at a locally owned restaurant. I’ve never worked for a corporate place and never would.
- I loathe cats. I’m in the minority here, but it’s true. The way they rub past you, purr, everything. Cats are assholes! I don’t like to be touched, so that may have something to do with it.
- I prefer actual books to digital ones. I’ve always enjoyed reading, and I tried to go digital like most, but I just didn’t like it. I don’t know if it’s the screen or the old school in me, but I truly love the way it feels to hold an actual book and flip the pages. Also, the smell of books, especially older ones, just take me to a different place. Does that make sense?
- I cheered most of my life. I cheered for my school squad from age 7-16 and competitively from age 8-14. I trained with my college squad, but decided against trying out. I think I got burnt out on it because it was literally my life, what my world revolved around, for 10 years. I thought about majoring in education in college so I could coach, but ultimately decided against that, as well.
- I prefer to be alone. Sounds odd since I have an 11 year old and B and I have been together for 4 years, but it’s true. My favorite time spent is when he’s out of town and she’s with friends or family. I have friends that don’t even like to go to the store alone, I’m the complete opposite.
I hope y’all enjoyed todays post and thank you so much for following along! If you want to know anything else, just comment below or email me!
Photography by Ryan Sherrod