The Winter Blues

blue sweater

blue sweater

blue sweater

express chain link bucket pouch

Anyone else suffering from the winter blues? It’s been so depressing lately! I mean, I’m thankful that the rain subsided (for now), but it’s been so dark and dreary. Give me a ray of sunshine, Mother Nature! I’m OK with the cold if I have something pretty to look at (bring on the snow!), but sadly, no snow in sight. Just blistering cold, dark days ahead. Alabama winters are my least favorite! 

I bought this sweater a couple of years ago from Lou & Grey. It was actually my first purchase from the brand. In case you don’t know much about them, they’re the sister company of Loft. I haven’t purchased enough from them to tell you that they’re one of my go-to brands, but I can say that the few things I have are great. High quality, good fit, and cozy. To me, they’re a great site to look at if you’re into cozy and simple leisurely pieces. They have a great assortment of basic tops, sweaters, and joggers. They have other staples as well, but to me, those items are what come to mind first when I think of Lou & Grey. 

So today, I started a 3 week challenge. I’ll share with y’all what it is and how it went in (you guessed it) 3 weeks!It’s going to be a nightmare for me, but I’m going to try my best to do it. If I crumble, I’ll let y’all know! Send good thoughts and prayers/encouragement up for me though, I’m gonna need it. 

Lastly, I’ve been working on implementing a few new ideas I’ve had for this site. I don’t have them all worked out yet, but one thing I’ve started is “21 Things”. In my sidebar, you’ll notice a widget titled “21 Things”. I suppose it’s similar to other blogs in the sense that, in a nutshell, it’s things I’m loving lately. However, I thought I’d do something a little different and dedicate a page in my menu bar that goes into detail about why each made it to my “21 Things”. I’m currently working on that page and it should go live in a week or two. 

Also, as I acquire them, I plan on doing a dedicated product review post. I’ve always found product reviews helpful, so it’s something I want to incorporate into this site. Is that something y’all would be interested in? Most of us shop online now, as free time to go to a store is rare, but that doesn’t mean that we have to purchase things blind and on a prayer! I consider myself honest to a fault and will always give y’all my 100% candid thoughts on anything I write about (example here). 

Is there anything else y’all would like to see on this site? Let me know in the comments below, or, as always, feel free to email me! 

Photography by Ryan Sherrod

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